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Building the Future: Passive House Construction

被动式房屋建设,山谷集团,可持续住宅,Dan Cutrona

A Deep Dive into Passive House Construction with The Valle Group

For those striving for the highest degree of energy efficiency, there is no higher standard than Passive House Construction. Despite a recent resurgence in the United States, finding Certified Passive Builders remains a rare feat. Among the trailblazers in this field is The Valle Group, which completed its first Passive House in 2012, 加入了全国仅有的24座认证被动房的独家俱乐部. Christian Valle, President of The Valle Group, helps unravel the virtues of Passive Home construction, 这种风格的建筑可能意味着负责任建筑实践的新标准.
被动式房屋建设,山谷集团,可持续住宅,Dan Cutrona,三明治马萨诸塞州而美学上独特的深色水泥板搭配可持续来源的木材和广阔的玻璃, the elements of this ultra energy-efficient Sandwich home 体现了被动式房屋建筑的环保意识. Photography: Dan Cutrona

被动式房屋建设,山谷集团,可持续住宅,Dan Cutrona,三明治马萨诸塞州“被动式建筑可以被认为是最高标准的建筑, 不仅在能源效率方面,而且在可量化的舒适度和质量方面,” Valle explains. At its core, 被动式建筑旨在通过五个具体的建筑科学原则来优化建筑能源效率的各个方面:围护结构密封性, super-insulation and thermal bridge-free construction, optimized windows, balanced ventilation, and minimal use of space conditioning.

“被动式建筑的主要目标之一是创造一个非常密封的建筑,” says Valle. 这一关键目标有助于防止外部空气的不必要渗透,并保存已调节的空气. 被动式住宅以使用能量回收通风机而闻名, equipped with heat-exchanging cores, 确保通风可控,同时保留高达88%的建筑能源. 

被动式房屋建设,山谷集团,可持续住宅,核果农场This highly insulated, solar-powered homestead 是否高效到客户在2016年的严冬不用开一次暖气. 它有一系列的温室、一个车间、一个客房和一个地下地窖.

被动式房屋建设,山谷集团,可持续住宅,核果农场With an air tightness standard five times tighter than an average building, a Passive House requires a blend of meticulous design, precise construction, and high-performance materials. “我们最近使用了一种技术来识别非常小的潜在空气泄漏, 其中包括将结构置于负压下,以创造一种条件,使整个外部基本上成为一个巨大的真空,吸引外部空气,” Valle shares. “然后,我们使用雾机提供视觉线索,以精确定位任何微小的泄漏,以便纠正它们.”

In the realm of insulation, Passive Houses employ super insulation. “它被称为超级隔热,因为与标准房屋相比,它将远远超出标准房屋. 隔热材料的数量和材料的质量都令人印象深刻.强调消除热桥——那些允许热量绕过隔热层或其他热屏障的隐蔽通道——也是被动式房屋建筑的主要组成部分. 
被动式房屋建筑,The Valle Group, Sustainable Homes, Bourne MA
This house in Bourne, MA  是Valle集团的第一个被动式房屋项目,也是在Cape建造的第一个获得认证的被动式房屋. 俯瞰伯恩池塘,该物业拥有很大一部分土地专门用于有机农业.

被动式房屋建筑,The Valle Group, Sustainable Homes, Bourne MAPassive Building also harnesses the natural power of the sun. Houses are positioned to maximize south-facing windows, 精心校准,以优化基于取向的热增益, size, and climate. “这使家庭能够优化自然太阳能热增益,从而大大减少了对机械加热的需求,” says Valle, which in turn contributes to energy efficiency. “被动房主可以期待一栋更安静的完工建筑, more comfortable, more efficient, more energy-independent, and with far lower energy costs than many other alternatives.”

被动式建筑的深刻好处超越了个人房主. As Valle enlightens us, 建筑施工和运营合计占全国能源消耗的近一半. “我认为,任何时候我们都要着眼于节约能源和负责任地使用资源, we are doing ourselves, the planet, and future generations a great service,” notes Valle. “我知道这是我们整个组织的共同信念.”

查看the Valle集团最近的一个高性能被动式房屋项目的施工过程:


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